The divorce lawyers and family law attorneys at the Law Offices of Jack L. Moser, Jr., welcome you gather information and educate yourself on the various issues in family law and domestic relations. Our lawyers, attorneys, and staff believe that clients should educate themselves as much as possible regarding the legal issues of their case. However, we also caution that a client should not equate such self-education with a full understanding of the legal process itself, which may then lead to conflicts with their attorney.

Find information and articles on divorce law, family law, and domestic relations at the following websites:
To find information about the laws of Marriage and what one must do to legally get married (rather than separated or divorced) visit the website and page at the Ohio State Bar Association Ohio:
To gather information about divorce, separation, child custody, spousal support and various other issues that arise when a marriage breaks down, visit the website and many pages at Divorce Source. It is a good place for Ohio divorce related articles:
To gather additional information about divorce, separation, child custody, spousal support and various other issues that arise when a marriage breaks down, visit the website at DivorceNet. The website offers a compilation of Ohio divorce information:
The Supreme Court of Ohio provides a unique look at how the courts are approaching family law and domestic relations. Visit the Supreme Court of Ohio Task Force on Family Law and Children Report:
The American Bar Association offers a state-by-state blogging service. Visit the Ohio Family Law Blog:
Another source of divorce information is “Divorce Magazine.” They have complied many articles on Ohio Divorce:
Call Jack L. Moser, Jr. at (614) 478-8005.
Law Offices of Jack L. Moser, Jr. Attorney at Law 107 West Johnstown Road Columbus / Gahanna Ohio 43230 Tele: (614) 478 - 8005 Fax: (614) 471 - 4581